I can't find a place on Campendium

There are a few reasons you may have trouble finding a campground, park, or dump station on Campendium.

  • Misspellings or typos. 
  • Entering an abbreviation differently than how it is spelled on Campendium (for example, for 'Mount' try 'Mt').
  • There are multiple places with the same name as the place you are searching for. Campendium shows 5 campgrounds, cities, or places at a time. 

Work arounds:

  • Try searching for the town or city the place is located in instead. Scan the map to see if the location is there, but is spelled differently or has been renamed. 
  • Try typing out the full name of the location.
  • Contact customer support for help by emailing info@campendium.com. Let us know the name of the park you're searching for and where it is located - we'd be happy to help you out! 

If you have tried several spellings of a place and searched for the city or town the place is located, we might be missing the campground or need to update the name of the campground. We'd love to get the spot added! Learn how to submit a new or missing campground here, or reach out to info@campendium.com where we'd be happy to help you out!

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